It started out with me having dinner (hours ago) then going to grab a coke, then sat down on the couch (6:30-ish ago), then to play Call Of Duty Ghosts (what? A girl like me likes a bit of video games occasionally;-) Then at 9:20-ish I went to go get our iPad so I could catch up on a few blogs I follow. Then finally at about 9:46-ish, I hear this creepy ass weird noise outside; all 3 windows in the living room were opened, so I quickly go to shut them all. It made me jump like a 5 year old girl that I once was, lol. But boy did it scare me and Saphira.
Speaking of Saphira, she burned all 4 paws on the stove:-(
We turned off the stove after dinner was made, but it was still hot and she didn't know that, so she jumped up on it and burned her paws; all 4 are red. She is not allowed on the stove/counter tops, (same goes for the other 3) but she got up there anyway and, well let's just say she now has some minor burns. I did rinse her paws in cold water (pain in my ass, but I got it done), then later I put neosporin on her burns. She should be okay, as she has gotten a hook in her paw before; by accident, in 2010?
The Florida Gators won on Saturday against Dayton. Yay! #Go Gators!

Sunday we did some minor home improvements on the house; I.e, painting, sanding, and stuff like that.
Ragdoll Mommy~