Ya' all remember back in March, when Anya got really ill? Well, I still get asked a lot about how she's doing and whatnot, so I thought now would be a good time to give you an update on that.
Anya is doing a lot better, she's totally back to her normal self. She plays, eats, is peeing normal now, grooms herself, and the like. And no, we didn't take her to the vet. Yes, I should probably mention that she last went to the vet on February 16th, 2013 I think. Yes, I know that was over a year ago, and yes,
We probably sound like a bunch of assholes who won't vaccinate their cat, but really, really does she really need shots? I think not, at least not right now; we are trying to sell a house, and will be moving to Tallahassee sometime this year, we truly don't have the money this month for shots! Its not that we don't care about our animals, its that we are too busy at the time for that, both Nico and Anya needed shots in 2013, Nico did get them when he went in for his UTI (urinary track infection). Anya did go to the vet in 2013 for a check-up, and the vet said she looked great/fine; she went because she had this weird thing coming up out of her paw (from declawing, probably), but it turns out that it wasn't a claw (claws can grow back from being declawed, if the declaw surgery was done wrong, the claws grow back deformed), but it wasn't a claw, but a callus; callouses are nothing to worry about, the vet offered to remove it for us, but I said no. Her poor paws are already fucked up, and I didn't wanna do more damage. I respect people who choose to declaw, but in my opinion, I wouldn't do it.
Well, anyways Anya is doing good. We gave her some Bounceback; it's like Gatorade for animals, yes, humans can drink it too; its gross, don't do it--trust me, I've tried it!
I would like to thank you all for all of the wonderful prays, good thoughts, and purrs, and hugs, you guys were truly helpful, and we thank you to the bottom of our hearts for that. Thank you.
I reaaaaaaly hate to say this, but I think I now know what made Anya terribly ill. The day before she had gotten sick, I had sprayed this flea spray stuff on all for cats, 'cause they all had fleas and we were out of flea drops. (Yes, its safe to use on cats, or so I thought). Anyways, it started off with a normal Monday afternoon, I had just finished brushing the cats and then went to spray them with that flea spray, then went to go wash my hands and then I forgot about it. This spray requires no rise off or anything, which was cool with me. But Monday night, Anya started acting really weird, she vomited yellow the first time, then green, then red, then green with blood. She was shaking, and growling at me and the other three cats. I did not sleep that night--fearing that this would be the last time I would see Anya. The next night I managed to get about 3 hours of sleep, but then woke up thanks to a terrible nightmare of Anya dying, it was horrifying.
Anyways, back to the story. Anya was most definitely poisoned by the flea spray, I had putten on her. I can't believe I about killed my cat. This is the worst thing I could have done to her, in fact this is the worst thing I did to her. I just can't believe I did such a thing. Knowing that I could have killed her leaves me breathless. What a horrible thing I did. I had taken the best care I could give her since the day we got them, I feel like I shouldn't have any living thing in my reach. Words cannot express how horrible I feel for my cat. I am 1 tear short of crying right now. I don't understand how I did this. I blame myself for this, when the day comes that Anya will die, I shall remember the day I poisoned her forever, it will haunt me everyday of my life.

If Anya was a human, I would totally classify myself as a murder. Even though Anya isn't dead, I still feel awful.


Wish it did.

This is what about
killed Anya.
I urge you to NEVER use this brand or flea/tick spray on your cats or dogs!!
I could totally sue this fucking company for what they've done!!!!!!
Ragdoll Mommy~