Hello everyone! May I Introduce you to my dear friends who have gone to the "Rainbow Bridge" I miss them dearly and this just seems to help.

Bubbles 1997 to 2010.
Bubbles my dear friend.(Bubbles was a female "mutt" cat who was Declawed by her Former owners.She lived her life as a outside cat.She was a Tabby.She lived on a Farm in Bonifay FL,with Tadpole as her company.I think she was about 13 or 14 years old when she past away in 2010.this photo was taken in 2005 I think.She died very very sadly from being "hit by a car".She was a very sweet in loving girl, Despite being shy,she was a angel.I miss her so very deeply! But she will always beloved.Bubbles thank you so much for being my friend my angel. And never ever forget that I love you with all my heart!! Goodbye my angel mommy loves you!
Tadpole 1990 to 2005.Tadpole was a Ragdoll a "sealpoint".(Tadpole was a male) He was not declawed,he lived his life as a outside cat.Like Bubbles he lived on a farm in Bonifay FL.Tadpole was the sweetest Cat/Ragdoll I ever had,he was not shy or Skittish at ALL!! He would never ever hurt anything or ANYONE at ALL! I Miss you Tadpole! Thank you for being there with me all the time! You will always be in my heart and I will never ever forget you or the memories we shared! Tadpole was born in 1990 I think,but I got him in 2003 or 2004.Tadpole very very very sadly past away in 2005,from Either a Snake bite or "feline Leukemia".I did
everything I could to save his life,but I failed him,he died at midnight:-( there was noting I could do! But I so wish I could have! Tadpole was my best friend,he meant everything/the world to me! There is not one Single word I can use to Describe how sweet and loving he was to everybody/me! I miss him with all my heart! Tadpole thank you for
everything you've done for me
!! Goodbye my angel! And don't forget that mommy loves you with all her
Eragon:2005 to 2005.Eragon was a male cat,he was a "mutt" cat,who wasn't declawed he lived outside his whole life.He was a good and loving boy.He sadly died from "Rabies".He was a kitten when he went to the bridge:-( I miss him! Goodbye my baby,I will always love you!!

Quatero:2010 to 2011.Quatero was a female Labrador Retriever.A black one. She sadly died from a Seizure as a puppy.She was a trouble maker lol.But a good dog/girl at that.i miss her! Dear Quatero you will always beloved!:-)

Charlotte:2011 to 2012.Charlotte was a Dachshund a female too,her color was called "red".She was born in December 28 2011,and past away in June 6 2012.She very very sadly died from eating something Poisonous and then later at midnight she had a seizure and end up passing away!!:-( I think that's what happen to her.She was a very good puppy and a good friend to everyone!! Such a lovely little dog she was!!:-) I miss her very much!:-( but she will always beloved!!:-) goodbye my baby char char!! I love you!

Buffy:2005 to 2006.Buffy was a good chicken.She was a Hen.She was nice and friendly too.I miss her! But I will always love her.Goodbye my chicky-pooh.She sadly died of an unknown death:-(

Pink piggy &black piggy:2006 to 2007.They were both females.They were friendly too.And yummy too lol!

Delmer:2005 to 2006:I believe is how you spell lol.She was female.And sadly died from an unknown death.

Here is our chickens:-)

And again

Chickens again. I hope you enjoyed my photo gallery of my beloved friends how have left this world but knowing that they are very well loved!!!:-)
Hey there! Remind me again on the 14th, okay? I can share it on twitter & FB for you. purrs
ReplyDeleteOMG!! THANK YOU!!!! This means the WORLD TO US!!!! yay!!! Good cause I'm NOT on Facebook or twitter lol!!