Hi,Everyone! Today is not so much of a Wordless Wednesday, lol (Laugh Out Loud). Today is a review day! Yay!
A while back I got to review two awesome cat collars, for Nico and Anya! The cat collars are pretty High Quality, they aren't getting fuzzy. They are very cute. And best of all they look great on my two GORGEOUS and HANDSOME Ragdolls!
I really like these collars! I recommend them. They are also hand-made! I like hand-made things. These cat collars were made by Cloe. Yep,that's the name! What are the good things and bad things about the collars?
The good things:
1: I love the fact that they are hand-made!
2: Friendly customer service.
3: Very high Quality!
4: pretty soft.
5: The collars are breakaway.
6: the collars are pretty, and they come in a lot of colors and patterns.
7: I absolutely love the bells on the collars, they remind me of cow bells. Which I like.
8: the bells are not heavy or loud, which I really can't stand at night!
9: the collars are not a whole lot of money, (In other words they don't clean out your wallet!)
10: the collars themselves's are not heavy on the cats's necks. (My cats don't mind wearing them, even though they don't really like things around their necks).
11: they also gave me a card with 15% off on my next purchase! (That was very nice of them!)
THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!!
The bad things:
1: The shipping took forever! (But they were on vacation).
2: The Buckle is not very sturdy.(Nico has gotten out of it a few times).
3: the bell is huge.(But that's not really a big issue, because it's not loud).
And that's it!
I give these collars 4 and a half stars for perfection!
I really love them collars!
I am 99% satisfied with these collars!
Now who wants to see pictures??? But first let me tell you what they look like. Nico's is black with Orange pumpkins on it (perfect for Halloween!)
Anya's is black with little flowers on it (perfect for spring!)

The stuff I received.

Nico&Anya's collars.

Out of the bag.

Anya's cat collar.

Nico's cat collar.


Anya in her collar.

Nico in his collar. Note: I apologize for the bad pictures, they would not hold still lol (Laugh out loud).

Nico in his collar.

Okay.... Here's the good pictures now!

Anya. Sorry you can't see her collar. She is very fluffy! As for Nico too!
Goodbye everyone! But see ya' soon!
Love Ragdoll Mommy&The babies~