Wednesday, July 17, 2013

About declawing cats/Ragdolls

Hi everybody! Today I would like to tell you a little bit about what  declawing is/why  I dislike.Well declawing is "cutting off" your cat's claws (yes "cutting OFF the claws!!) Declawing also "cuts off" the first bone of the toe and the fur.When a cat is "declawed" it can no longer  kill it's pray/food and it can't climb a tree or clean itself very well or fight back! Why would we do that do our poor cats?!?! I'm sure they didn't/wouldn't want that done to them.Cats need their claws as much as we need our fingers!,Without our fingers we wouldn't be able to text on our phones or play video games or drive a car or pick up anything at all!! So why would we do that to our poor cats?,cats need their claws to fight and to climb and to clean themselves.I think it would pretty funny if  our cats ownd us and they got us "defingered" yes I mean for all the times we declawed our poor babies (cats) it would be like "pay back"! And when you declaw cats it can make them "stop" going in his/her litter box(my cat Nico will sometimes not go in his litter box)Because it hurts his poor paws to "dig"in his litter.Why?,because the litter pices hurt to step on not like a "clawed" cat meaning one with it's claws like my cats (star&saphira).they use the litter box with No problem ouce so ever!! And when you do get a cat "declawed" or as I like to call it "DEFINGERED"!! It can make them start "biting you/your kids", my cat Nico he is a sweetpee but  he bites sometimes even know Ragdolls are not  suppose to bite but sense he has no claws he/they turn to "biting" as their only definsese:-(.Declawing is horrible hurtful  awful  bad  mean cruel to just name a few!! How can declawing be aloud to go on?! What did those Poor animals  do to have this done to them?! If you want your cat to stop clawing all your stuff up then it's not that hard to get them a "scratching poster" trust me my two "clawed" cats (star&saphira) have one they use it so please PLEASE DON'T EVER EVER EVER DECLAW YOU CAT/CATS!!!!!!! If your cats could talk they would say "THINK YOU"!!!!!! Now that you know what declawing is let me tell you 5 things you didn't know about my cat Star."1" Star sticks out her tongue LOL."2"Star boy let me think  ugh oh she hates kids babies adults and teens and old people ok fine she hates everybody but me LOL!! "3" Star also hates dogs and puppys and cats and kittens."4" Star "opens" her mouth I have no idea why LOL."5" Star is the "top cat" of the house sorry I mean WOULD!,"top cat" means the "boss" LOL!!! Now I know I already told you what a Ragdoll is/what color/patterns they come in but I wanted to tell you what colors the patterns can "carry" in them.First the "mitted" can come in "blue" and "seal".Blue is what my Ragdoll Anya is "blue mitted" I meant.Blue is a shade of gray sorta and they have blue tails and ears and mask and legs but white paws/feet/mits.sometimes they have a "blaze" on the face.but they always have a "white chin".Now the "seal" color like a "sealpoint" they have brown ears and mask/face and legs but the "seal mitted" has "white paws/feet/mits" like the "blue mitted".The "seal mitted also has a "white chin"but again like the "blue mitted" the can have a "blaze" on the face but the "blaze" has to always be white! Now sorry if I sorta confusesed you with a "sealpoint" and a "seal mitted" LOL.Now a "sealpoint" is a different color than a "seal mitted".A "sealpoint has No white on it at all!,but it has dark tails and ears and face/mask and legs/paws.A "seal mitted" is the same thing but it has white on it unlike the "sealpoint".Now a colorpoint is a pattern hear are the colors it can "carry" "bluepoint" that is a "blue mitted"but a "bluepoint" has no white on it like the "sealpoint".Now I already told you what a "sealpoint" is so I'm moving on to the "bicolor" pattern."They  can "carry" "chocolate" it has  dark tails and ears and mask but a white upside down "v" on the mask/face and they have a white tummy (stomach) and a white chast.Now time for a "blue bicolor" (my cat Nico is a blue bicolor) a blue bicolor has dark tails and mask but all "bicolors" have a white upside down "v" on it's face/mask same goes for the "white tummy and chast and legs and paws" and all bicolors also have dark coloring on their backs but some like (Nico) have "white spotting on the back" it's fine for them to have it!,but some don't have it but that's also fine.Now time for the "seal bicolor" it is basically the same thing as the "chocolate bicolor" but the "seal bicolor" has even darker points on the face ears and tails and back but white everywhere else and it has a "white upside down "v" on the face/ may or may not have "white spotting" "white spotting is fine but it has to only be on the back NO where else!!!! Now I for got to tell you about the pattern "lynx".Sorry for that:-(! Now a "lynx" has a light colored body whith very light "points" white "white eye lining" I believe is what it's called.Now I don't know much about the "lynx":-( pattern.Bye for now but see you soon!:-).

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